Owning My Voice brought me fulfilment and freedom

For over a decade, I was the hardest worker in the room— yet constantly overlooked and undervalued. 

I stopped listening to conventional advice to ‘hook’ and sell, or batch content like a machine. I stopped mimicking the confident people I admired and instead mastered speaking with my own brand of magnetic presence. 

From my 10 years as a professional emcee, I mastered the art of impactful communication– from shaping my tone of voice to making powerful shifts in my expressions and gestures. 

And over the last 5 years, I committed to the inner work, building trust with my voice so I could radiate confidence from within.

When you Own Your Voice, you don’t just speak— you teach others how to treat you. You exude a rare confidence that opens doors, commands attention, and inspires action.

Today, I’ve worked with rising leaders, some who are directors, amazing entrepreneurs, I even coached a billionaire.

I get cool opportunities to host for the United Nations, not once, but 3 times in 3 different countries.

I achieved my dream of being "Asian Oprah" by securing a fully funded partnership to create my own in-person talk show. 

How did things change for me in a complete 180 in just a matter of years?

Opportunities slipped by, lukewarm clients strung me along, and every attempt to market myself left me drained and uninspired.

I didn't get it— I knew the impact of my work, so why didn't others see it?

I decided to Own My Voice. 

Monica, the only introvert in an extroverted agency, went from speaking meekly to leading her own team and addressing an audience of 300+. She even earned a personal production award in her first year of business. 

AK used to speak like a zombie. sometimes getting zero webinar sign-ups. After learning to own his voice, he now commands authority while connecting deeply with his audience— achieving double-digit sign-ups and impressing his bosses.

Jia Hwan was jaded chasing social media trends and seeing content like a chore. Owning her voice brought the fulfilment into content creation, allowing her words to flow naturally. She even recruited her ideal team members through her content.

I’ve seen it happen for many of my clients. 

Now, I'm on a mission to guide rising leaders to own their voice in order to inspire and influence. 

My passion is making sure that after you work with me, you've developed your voice to be your greatest asset in a noisy and AI-dominated world today. 

It isn't just public speaking tips. It is in being absolutely grounded in your voice, becoming an original thinker and speaking in a way that gets you into rooms and in front of clients you are proud to work with.

The core of my guidance is in leading our thoughts and mastering our intention which inevitably clarifies our unique voice, influencing whoever we interact with. 

I go within for all answers, and teach my clients to do the same. I believe that there is no one right or wrong way to speaking or living life. Instead, we learn to lean into the experiences that are true to us, designing our life and brand in a way that is an authentic expression of our true selves.

Owning Your Voice changes how you see yourself. And when you see your power, others will too.

You are a rising leader doing transformational work. Don’t let your voice go unheard. Own it—and watch the world take notice.

Are you ready to Own Your Voice?

We do this by developing a conscious relationship with your inner voice (self-mastery), then mastering your outer expressions (presence, perspective and personality) and skilful with your communication (public speaking, networking, content creation and branding).

I want to Own My Voice!

What Exactly is My "Unique Voice"?

Your Unique Voice consists of your Inner Voice and Outer Expressions.

Inner Voice
  • How you speak to yourself
  • How well you know yourself
  • How much you trust yourself 

This determine your thoughts, which influences the energy in your words and actions online and in-person. 

Outer Expressions

  • Presence (vibe/aura) — felt the moment you enter the room
  • Perspectives (thoughts and ideas) — heard the moment you open your mouth
  • Personality (distinct character traits) — learnt over time as your audience build a relationship with you

Research shows that congruence is essential to authentic communication. This means ensuring the alignment between your internal thoughts, feelings, and outward behaviour. 

82% of our impressions of people are based on warmth and competence. Is your Unique Voice communicating both accurately in various contexts such that you are attracting the right clients and opportunities?

Ultimately, your outer expressions are a reflection of the strength of your inner voice. When both align, you show up with congruence and authentic confidence.

What does it mean to Own Your Voice?

Owning Your Voice is choosing to understand and grow your voice to help you live your most authentic life. This means that you'll:

Rewire Beliefs: Peel back the layers as you discover what are the conditioning and limiting beliefs that subconsciously influences your voice. Commit to shedding old beliefs that no longer serve you and claim ownership of new ones that do. Learn how to communicate with your thoughts and manage your emotions.

Awaken your Authentic Self: Gain greater clarity of who you are and what you stand for — your values, passions, unique skills, story, and personality. This allows you to make the decision to show up authentically instead of what the media influences you to be.

Embody your Unique Voice: Master the principles and skills of speaking and communication, so that you can communicate your message effectively. This includes storytelling, networking, stage delivery techniques, leading tough conversations, and more.

Magnify your Impact: Master strategic intuition to speak specifically to your ideal audience and build a magnetic brand that stays top-of-mind so that aligned opportunities and clients come to you naturally. Grow a community and use your voice and your story to inspire and impact.

This is the Own Your Voice Methodology. This is my unique process that blends inner and outer work. I use this in my coaching, workshops, and refer to this regularly in my content.

Own Your Voice to Create a Life and Career you Love

I want to Own My Voice

Fun Facts about me!

I'm an adventurous thrill seeker. I love rollercoasters, mountains, rollercoasters ON mountains, anything that would make my heart skip a beat.

I absolutely love meeting people from different parts of the world — listening to their story and experiencing their lives. The pure joy of human connection is one of a kind.

I full on squeal with excitement when I get a good photo taken! My love language is when someone takes photos/videos of me without me having to ask.

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