2025 is the year you’ll be seen for the real value you offer to the world.

If you’ve been working hella hard this year and you’re not where you want to be… I get it. 

For more than two decades of my life I was constantly overlooked and undervalued. I was the hardest worker in the room, and yet – I didn’t get the opportunities I needed to deliver the value I knew I could. 

Today, I’ve worked with clients who are rising leaders, some who are directors, amazing entrepreneurs, I’ve even worked with a billionaire. I get cool opportunities to host for the United Nations, not once, but 3 times in 3 different countries. I even managed to achieve my dream of being Asian Oprah by securing a fully funded partnership to create my own in-person talk show. I’ve attracted everything I wanted and more – amazing clients, collaborators and friends from around the world. 

How did things change a complete 180 in just a matter of years? 

Here’s how: I decided to Own My Voice. 

I stopped following the cookie cutter ‘rules’ to living life. I stopped listening to conventional content creation advice to ‘hook’ and sell people, or forcing myself to batch content like I’m a machine. I stopped acting and speaking like the confident people I admire, and instead, built a relationship with my unique voice– enabling me to show up and speak up with authentic confidence and magnetic presence (many have remarked that this is my superpower).

The 10 years of professional emceeing taught me everything I needed to speak with impact and communicate with influence – everything from shaping my tone of voice to implementing powerful shifts in my expressions and gestures. 

But it was the past 5 years of committing to the inner work that built the rock solid trust I now have with my unique voice, allowing me to radiate confidence and assurance from within.

When you Own Your Voice, you exude a one-of-a-kind confidence that teaches people how they should treat you. 

I’ve seen it happen for many of my clients. 

Monica was the only introvert in an agency full of extroverts. She went from speaking in a meek and uncertain tone, to embracing her unique voice. She has since spoken to an audience of 300+ people, started leading her own team, and earned a personal production award in her first year of business. 

AK used to speak like a zombie. He would get single digit or even zero sign-ups for his webinar previews. After owning his voice, he learnt to speak in a way that establishes his authority while forming a connection with his audience. Today, he is seeing double digit sign-ups. His bosses shared that they were very impressed with his transformation. 

Jia Hwan used to be so jaded after chasing after social media trends, she saw content creation as a chore. Today, she feels excited to write, share her stories and thoughts on social media as the words now flow naturally from her. She even recruited her ideal team mates through social media!

Owning Your Voice helps you see yourself in a more powerful light, and as you do, others will also see you for who you are– the rising leader doing transformational work in this world. 

2025 is the year we need to Own our Voice. It's time to do the work you're meant to do.

I have designed 2 power-packed, interactive Masterclasses for you to do so. Join me? 

9 JAN 2025, 8.30 - 10 PM (sgt)

Start speaking with presence and influence so that you’ll be seen, heard and recognised. 

This is for: Anyone who wants to use their voice with greater effectiveness and confidence in 2025

Look forward to: 
  • Learning how you can “Own Your Voice” in various contexts within — (1) business, (2) corporate career, (3) relationships and life
  • Identify ways you can balance your inner voice and outer expressions to embody authentic confidence 
  • Dive into guided exercises that will help you gain clarity in what your unique voice is
  • Leave feeling greater confidence and connection with your voice, excited to use it in 2025

Unlock the Power of your Unique Voice in 2025

18 JAN 2025, 10 - 11.30 AM (sgt)

Speak specifically to your ideal audience in an increasingly noisy world & build a future-proof brand that evolves with you

This is for: The Rising Leader – entrepreneurs and rising corporate leaders who either
(1) have to be in the spotlight more in 2025 (i.e. leading their team, speaking on stages), or
(2) want to grow the impact of their voice (building an internal or public brand) 

Look forward to: 
  • Learning how you can shift your perspective and approach to branding in order to stand out in 2025 and beyond 
  • Understand the 4 phases or brand building so you may tap into a bigger vision 
  • Tackling your concerns around “niching down” or “defining an ideal audience” 
  • Understanding the Anatomy of your Unique Voice and chart your growth path ahead
  • Leave with a greater clarity of your brand and strategic steps to make it a timeless one that evolves with you

Build a Timeless Brand in 2025

Masterclass 1

Masterclass 2


  • $50 for one Masterclass, $75 for both Masterclasses. 
  • Both Interactive Masterclasses are held on Zoom
  • You will have access to the Masterclass recordings for 6 months in our training portal
  • LIMITED TIME BONUS for sign ups before 22 Dec - details below

These are two separate classes with different content being taught. Both are interactive and include guided activities and practical frameworks. 

For those going for Masterclass 2: Build a Timeless Brand in 2025, you’re recommended to go for Masterclass 1 as well. You may purchase the two-class package.

These 2 Masterclasses are FREE for all Own Your Voice Circle members. If you currently belong to the circle, or join it now, you will get automatic access, so do not purchase separately.

*There are 3 different payment links below. Please read carefully and choose the one you want!

Book your 2025 level up experience here!

9 JAN 2025, 8.30 - 10 PM (sgt)

Unlock the Power of your Unique Voice in 2025

18 JAN 2025, 10 - 11.30 AM (sgt)

Build a Timeless Brand in 2025

ONLY Masterclass 1

ONLY Masterclass 2

18 JAN 2025, 10 - 11.30 AM (sgt)

Build a Timeless Brand in 2025

BOTH Masterclass 1 and 2

9 JAN 2025, 8.30 - 10 PM (sgt)

Unlock the Power of your Unique Voice in 2025

*recommended for a complete level up in 2025

I want to Own My Voice in 2025!
Oh yes, Sign me up!
Let's level up!
bundle deal: $75

We are living in a world designed to distract us from our unique voice. 

The internet is a tsunami of content, now amplified by AI-generated noise. We're bombarded with up to 10,000 ads daily, spending an average of 7 hours swimming through digital media. Notifications don't just ping your phone anymore—they follow you to your watch, your wrist, your every waking moment.

If you're ending 2024 feeling like you're sprinting from one treadmill only to jump onto another… I get it.

Some weeks blur into a relentless cycle where you barely get a moment of silence. And if you're thinking, "Rae, I don't want quiet—I just want to be more productive." Well, what's actually blocking your productivity might surprise you.

Not only is it becoming harder to stand out to potential clients and employers, it's becoming impossible to hear your own voice amidst the chaos. This is why we quickly lose patience when faced with challenges, feel increasingly overwhelmed by decisions, and grow more irritable with the people we love. There’s simply too much noise, too much pressure, and too much pulling at us all at once.

Our voice represents our identity.

It is the channel in which we express who we are and what we stand for. In an increasingly distracting and competitive world, I invite you to consider making this your priority – Own Your Voice, before you lose yourself in the noise. 

When you Own Your Voice, the entire world quietens down and a sense of peace permanently washes over you. It’s like entering a vacuum, where all the noise that distracts you gets muted out and you hear your inner voice ever so clearly. 

It’s a one-of–a-kind feeling. 

Suddenly, decisions flow with ease. Social interactions become playgrounds of possibility. Speaking and content creation become your outlet for art and expression. Your triggers, frustrations, and worries seem to melt away.
Because when you have your own back, something profound shifts.

People start seeing you differently. The Universe starts conspiring in your favor. Your groundedness becomes magnetic—attracting aligned clients, unexpected collaborations, and opportunities that light you up from deep within.
Trust becomes your superpower. Conviction becomes your language.

Doesn't this feel like true productivity? More importantly, doesn't it feel like you’re actually living?

Here's the thing...

What would it do for your career, business and relationships if you could: 

  • walk onto any stage or social setting feeling confident, effortlessly shifting the energy of the room?
  • feel convicted of your unique value, approaching clients and collaborators with your bold ideas? 
  • show up as all of you online and in-person, knowing that the right people will be attracted to every part of your authentic self? 
  • feel grounded and secure when you speak and storytell, feeling absolutely in control of your train of thought and intuitive expression?
This can be your reality…

… even if you’re intimidated by the spotlight, and using your voice isn’t at the top of your 2025 bingo card. (You can’t eliminate 100% of the scary, but it will feel a lot less scary when you’re doing it in a way that suits your personality and leverages on your strengths.) 

… even if you’re not really a ‘social media person’ and building your personal brand feels foreign to you. (These two masterclasses will highlight the humanity in the online space, so that speaking on social media feels as easy as chatting up a friend.)

… even if you feel your voice isn’t all that unique. Or you’re unsure what your ‘niche’ is, or how to sell your thing to the right people. (What if it’s not as complicated as you think? When you balance strategy and intuition, your doubts and “what ifs” fade away) 

Your voice is too unique, your message is too important, to get lost in the crowd. 

I'm ready to LEVEL UP my voice in 2025!

What people have said about Rae's Workshops:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: Where are these Masterclasses held?

These Masterclasses are held live on Zoom. They are highly interactive and include guided exercises, breakout rooms and time for Q&A.

Q: Are you going to offer this again? 

We have no plans to offer these Masterclasses again, but this may change. Sign up today for a perfect start to 2025! Stay tuned for (potential) future runs or new course launches via my email newsletter

Q: How long will I have access to the Masterclass recordings? 

You’ll have a 6 month access to the course via our course portal, Thrivecart. 

Q: Is this for me if I'm not a coach/mentor or a business owner?

This is not created specifically for coaches/mentors. I've had corporate professionals work with me to own their voice because they want to speak more confidently and build their personal brand. While you are not required to have a business in order to benefit from this course, many of the teachings and examples will contain references to business. You're invited to contextualise it to yourself.

Q: What's the next step after this Masterclass?

You can continue to work with the material on your own or join us in the Own Your Voice Circle, our 6-months 1:1-Community Hybrid Coaching Program, designed to journey with you through your own personalised Own Your Voice roadmap. I've been in the process of revamping the program and I'm excited to have you! Alternatively, you may purchase the course: Rising Leaders House Party for a powerful foundational start to owning your voice. More info here. There is currently a limited time only bonus. 

Q: If I've joined the OYV Circle before, will this be suitable for me?

The material taught in this course have all been created in the past few months so they will likely be new to you. If you've joined the OYV Circle before, I'll recommend you to join us for these Masterclasses if whatever you've read on this page feels like a priority to you in this season of life. The principles in the lessons may land differently for you with the season of life you're in. 

I also share strategies and perspectives that will be highly relevant in 2025 and beyond. 

Q: Are there any discounts or promotions?

If you are currently in the OYV Circle, you'll receive access to this course in your training portal. Please do not purchase separately!

Q: Do you have a payment plan?

No, not for these Masterclasses. You may purchase the replay at a later time if you'd like. We do have payment plans for our 6-months Own Your Voice Circle, you may find out more here.

Q: Are you offering a money-back guarantee for this course?

No — all sales are final.

Enroll Now

I love how Rae emphasises authenticity and building a strong relationship with yourself, so that your voice comes through powerfully and naturally. 

I started attending Rae's workshops this year as I wanted to better understand how to develop a compelling corporate voice and personal brand, so that I would be able to command authority and presence in my line of work. 

In the beginning, I was sceptical about the power of mindset in crafting a strong voice - I thought all we needed was strategy and communication skills. I also had my fair share of limiting beliefs and a skewed impression of what I needed to do in order to build a powerful brand. 

Right from my first encounter with Rae, though, I found myself resonating a lot with what she had to say. Rae has given me a powerful perspective of what brand-building and content creation can look like. It brings me relief to know that I'll be able to attract my target audience when I am closely aligned with my identity and inner voice - and not when I'm trying to be someone I'm not :)

Karen Ho, Entrepreneur

Hi, I'm Rae!

I help my clients refine their self and social identity through developing a conscious relationship with their voice, then becoming intentional with their energy (thoughts, emotions, state of being) and skilful with their communication (public speaking, networking, marketing, content creation). 
We identify your heart's message and refine your delivery so you can use your voice on any stage with confidence and grace. 
Learn to be 'strategically intuitive' in writing and speaking so you may tap into your unlimited well of creative ideas. The core of my guidance is in leading our thoughts and mastering our intention which inevitably clarifies our unique voice, influencing whoever we interact with. 
I go within for all answers, and teach my clients to do the same. I believe that there is no one right or wrong way to speaking or living life. Instead, we learn to lean into the experiences that are true to us, designing our life and brand in a way that is an authentic expression of our true selves.

Find out more about Rae on her Instagram and website.

These two Masterclasses can be the difference to your 2025 if you decide to join us. I can't wait to see you there and hear your brilliant insights and action plan for the new year!

I'm Ready to Own My Voice!