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Hello! If you’ve landed onto this page, I believe you’re someone who is confident of the value you provide and have a good amount of experience in your industry. 

You see, I work with rising leaders who are masters of their craft – they are trainers from the top crypto training company in Singapore, directors, coaches, financial advisors, leaders in corporate, I’ve even coached a billionaire – they are all brilliant at serving their clients and doing good work.

But when it comes to speaking about what they do and communicating their value to the right audience, they find themselves: 
  • Struggling with fear and awkwardness when they speak on stage or in your appointments, 
  • Doubting themselves and feel imposter syndrome when they receive leadership opportunities or work with bigger clients, 
  • Fumbling on their words and rambling in their explanations, 
  • Not knowing how to articulate the true value of their work in a way that attracts their ideal clients. 

These are the same clients of mine who went from: 

  • Literally trembling when asked to speak on stage → presenting to audiences of over 300 people and wholeheartedly enjoying it. 
  • Delivering boring webinars → speaking with posture and poise, getting 8 times more sign ups and quality enrolments. 
  • Hesitating to speak up in corporate meetings → pitching for projects and making asks that others don’t. 
  • Finding social media a chore → enjoying creating content, finding flow in her writing and speaking, leading her to attracting her ideal recruits organically. 

Before Own Your Voice, I was jaded trying to chase after social media trends, copying other people’s content which didn’t represent me and saw social media posting as a chore.

Today, I feel excited to write, share my stories and thoughts on social media as the words can now flow naturally. I even recruited my ideal team mates through social media!

— Jia Hwan, Senior Financial Services Manager

Before Own Your Voice, I was jaded trying to chase after social media trends, copying other people’s content which didn’t represent me and saw social media posting as a chore.

Today, I feel excited to write, share my stories and thoughts on social media as the words can now flow naturally. I even recruited my ideal team mates through social media!

These clients turned their voice into their greatest asset because of one decision they made: to Own their Voice. 

We’re living in a world that is increasingly noisy. 

  • With AI and automation, your audience is hungry for authenticity and your unique voice.
  • With knowledge free to access online, what sets you apart is your ability to think differently and create ideas no one else has ever thought of. 
  • With a tired audience that has an increasingly short attention span, powerful communication and intentionally storytelling is valued more than ever. 

When you choose to Own Your Voice, you’re taking responsibility as the messenger of your ideas for them to reach your ideal audience who needs it the most. 

Let your voice do the work for you.

Highly successful people are committed to refining their speaking such that their message lands exactly as intended.

For them, speaking with alignment and congruence isn’t optional, it is a priority. They understand the power of their message and relentlessly refine their communication so it resonates, connects and inspires their people to take action.

And when they do, they turn their voice into their greatest asset: 
  • They have a brand and reputation that works for them – people talk about them and their work when they aren’t around 
  • Their perspectives and big idea leaves an unforgettable impression on others
  • Top tier people want to partner, collaborate, or work with them
  • Communities are formed by basis of their thought process, and stays active and energised without them around

If you know that you have a message worth sharing (even if you aren’t quite sure what it is), I want to help you by literally giving you a step-by-step guide to growing your voice and turning it into your greatest asset. 

Oh yes, I'm in!

You’ll leave with the exact action steps to:

Trust yourself and speak up even when you don’t feel 100% confident,

Define what your unique voice is and communicate with your audience in a way that reflects your true value, 

Speak with authentic charisma and gravitas, 

Build an authentic and unforgettable brand online and offline that attracts clients and opportunities organically. 

Commit to setting aside 2 hours for this Masterclass, and

You’ll also receive Rae’s comprehensive 9-page “2025 Unique Voice Success Plan”

This will help you: 
  • Get ultra clear of where you are in your Own Your Voice Journey,
  • Identify the 1-2 pillars of the OYV Methodology that should be your key focus, 
  • Create a clear success plan that maps out your specific priorities, action steps and habits for you to turn your voice into your greatest asset.

I'm Ready to make 2025 my best year ever!

At first, I was sceptical about the power of mindset in crafting a strong voice - I thought all we needed was strategy and communication skills. I also had my fair share of limiting beliefs and a skewed impression of what I needed to do in order to build a powerful brand. 

But from the moment I encountered Rae, I resonated a lot with what she had to say. Rae has given me a powerful perspective of what brand-building and content creation can look like. It brings me relief to know that I'll be able to attract my target audience when I am closely aligned with my identity and inner voice - and not when I'm trying to be someone I'm not :)

I started attending Rae's workshops this year in order to develop a more compelling corporate voice and personal brand, so I can command authority and presence in my line of work. 

At first, I was sceptical about the power of mindset in crafting a strong voice - I thought all we needed was strategy and communication skills. I also had my fair share of limiting beliefs and a skewed impression of what I needed to do in order to build a powerful brand. 

But from the moment I encountered Rae, I resonated a lot with what she had to say. Rae has given me a powerful perspective of what brand-building and content creation can look like. It brings me relief to know that I'll be able to attract my target audience when I am closely aligned with my identity and inner voice - and not when I'm trying to be someone I'm not :)

Karen Ho, Entrepreneur

I started attending Rae's workshops this year in order to develop a more compelling corporate voice and personal brand, so I can command authority and presence in my line of work. 

It's not just Public Speaking Techniques!

Let's just be honest. Has googling and you-tubing "How to speak better" helped you? 

You have a unique voice, so how can you expect generic advice to help you? 

Many of my coachees come to me just wanting to transform the way they speak. They end up transforming the way they see, speak and live. 

Let's just be honest. Has googling and you-tubing "How to speak better" helped you? 

You have a unique voice, so how can you expect generic advice to help you? 

Many of my coachees come to me just wanting to transform the way they speak. They end up transforming the way they see, speak and live. 

Why? Because they actually discover what the root cause of their public speaking fears are. They save years of blindly googling by taking the courageous and uncomfortable step of seeking expert guidance.

Why? Because they actually discover what the root cause of their public speaking fears are. They save years of blindly googling by taking the courageous and uncomfortable step of seeking expert guidance.

The First Impression is Formed Once you Open Your Mouth

I've met many people with brilliant ideas and insights. But when they speak, their ideas disintegrate into mumble and jumble. Their colleagues, clients, and audience lose interest in a matter of seconds. 

It's such a pity because I know you have unique ideas and stories, but nobody will know of them if you don't speak in a way that attracts and connects. I just hate to see potential go to waste.

Which is why I am here with you on this journey of your transformation. The question is, will you take the first step to Own Your Voice? 

Get Instant Access

Hello! I'm Rae, speaking coach, speaker, and professional emcee. 

For over a decade, I was the hardest worker in the room— yet constantly overlooked and undervalued. 

Opportunities slipped by, lukewarm clients strung me along, and every attempt to market myself left me drained and uninspired.

I didn't get it— I knew the impact of my work, so why didn't others see it?

From my 10 years as a professional emcee, I mastered the art of impactful communication– from shaping my tone of voice to making powerful shifts in my expressions and gestures. 

And over the last 5 years, I committed to the inner work, building trust with my voice so I could radiate confidence from within.

I designed a way to master both our inner voice and outer expressions by creating the Own Your Voice Methodology: 
  1. Rewire Beliefs: Learn how to communicate with your thoughts and manage your emotions.
  2. Awaken Your Authentic Self: Gain deeper clarity of who you are and what you stand for
  3. Embody Your Unique Voice: Master the skills of impactful communication to elevate your outer expressions
  4. Magnify Your Impact: Master strategic intuition to speak specifically to your ideal audience and build a magnetic brand

When you Own Your Voice, you don’t just speak— you teach others how to treat you. You exude a rare confidence that opens doors, commands attention, and inspires action.

Owning Your Voice changes how you see yourself. And when you see your power, others will too. 

Here's why I created this Masterclass

Hello! I'm Rae, speaking coach, speaker, and professional emcee. 

For over a decade, I was the hardest worker in the room— yet constantly overlooked and undervalued. 

Opportunities slipped by, lukewarm clients strung me along, and every attempt to market myself left me drained and uninspired.

I didn't get it— I knew the impact of my work, so why didn't others see it?

Today, I’ve worked with rising leaders, some who are directors, amazing entrepreneurs, I even coached a billionaire. I get cool opportunities to host for the United Nations, not once, but 3 times in 3 different countries. I achieved my dream of being "Asian Oprah" by securing a fully funded partnership to create my own in-person talk show.

How did things change for me in a complete 180 in just a matter of years?
I decided to Own My Voice.

I stopped listening to conventional advice to ‘hook’ and sell, or batch content like a machine. I stopped mimicking the confident people I admired and instead mastered speaking with my own brand of magnetic presence.

Today, I’ve worked with rising leaders, some who are directors, amazing entrepreneurs, I even coached a billionaire. I get cool opportunities to host for the United Nations, not once, but 3 times in 3 different countries. I achieved my dream of being "Asian Oprah" by securing a fully funded partnership to create my own in-person talk show.

How did things change for me in a complete 180 in just a matter of years?
I decided to Own My Voice.

I stopped listening to conventional advice to ‘hook’ and sell, or batch content like a machine. I stopped mimicking the confident people I admired and instead mastered speaking with my own brand of magnetic presence.

Access Masterclass

If you are a rising leader doing transformational work. Don’t let your voice go unheard.

Own it—and watch the world take notice.

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