Weekly Wrap-Up: The Climate Crisis | Are we Using Our Voice for the Issues that Truly Matter?

44.6 degree celcius heat – That’s how hot it was in Thailand last weekend, and Thailand’s Meteorological Department warned that the heat will continue into the week.

Hearing about this felt especially horrifying as I caught up with Andrea T. Edwards since she and her family is actually based in Thailand now.

In fact, The Guardian reports that severe heatwaves described as the ‘worst April heatwave in Asian history’ engulfs Asia causing deaths and forcing schools to close.

I mean, it’s crazy. I’ve been blessed all my life to live in a country where it feels safe, to be able to turn on the air-conditioner or take a cold shower when I want to, to jump on a plane and fly somewhere else to experience any weather and environment I want. But what about the people who don’t have the means to do that?

Speaking to Andrea always reminds me of the importance of:
1. Growing our Perspective beyond our own perceived problems
2. Using our Voice to Speak about things that truly matter
3. Doing what we can, even if we know little

To be honest, Climate Change and the Environment is an area I am still growing my knowledge and perspective on. But if there’s one thing I know – is that we don’t need to know it all in order to start doing something.

This over here is our mountain guide Jimmy from when we were scaling Mount Kinabalu over the weekend.

As we were climbing down the mountain, he’s holding on to a plastic bag, looking out for rubbish left by tourists, picking it up and collecting it in the bag.

Imagine you’ve spent over 12 hours over two days climbing this mountain of 4,0795M tall (and you still have to climb back down), yet you have the spirit and love in your heart to walk a few extra steps to pick up trash. My legs were jelly. His genuine love for his home and nature is inspiring.

What can we do to love our planet? How can we use our voice to speak about things that matter?

I think the real issue is that we have thoughts of our own survival in our heads — feeling not good enough, worried about making it in our careers and business, etc etc.

It’s hard to think beyond our own problems when we harbour fear and insecurity.

That’s why it’s so important to do the work to heal. Recognise your unique voice, use your voice and speak about the things that matter.

One thing I do is to help people overcome their fear or speaking. But it’s not just because I want people to be more confident. It is because I KNOW that we all have a message within us that needs to be unlocked. When we open our eyes beyond our safe bubble and see the real issues happening in the world (seriously just read the news), you’ll realise just how important it is to use your voice.

1. Growing our Perspective beyond our own perceived problems

Cup your hands into make-believe binoculars and put them around your eyes. What do you focus on? What can’t you see? You realise that the rest of the world disappears and you’re fully focused on what’s in front of you, you lose your peripheral vision.

That is how most people live their life – fully focused on their problems and unable to see the bigger picture. Take time every week to experience life beyond your problems, whether it is reading the news, speaking to someone new, try a new experience, or travel.

I used to drown myself with the shame of not achieving enough of the “Success” I thought I needed to achieve – money, fame, validation. WhenI started travelling and meeting people who lived on the fields of Sa Pa, or drive a tuktuk in Cambodia, I start seeing a different definition of Success – genuine happiness and joy. You need to meet people outside your current circle to see a reality you’ve never seen, and you’ll realised how small your problems are and how much power you actually have to create change in your lives and others.

2. Using our Voice to Speak about things that truly matter

When you can see beyond your problems, that’s when you free up mind-space to DREAM and SPEAK about things that truly matter. One of my coachees joined the Own Your Voice Circle solely to overcome her fear of judgement, because it was crippling her with fear of speaking for the past decade.

Months into working together, she told me “Rae, the past few weeks of huddling with the circle and coaching gave me such a strong support that I feel so ready to speak up and conquer the world (very drama but that’s how I truly feel)”. In a matter of months, she’s completely overcome her fear of judgement, and now has freed up mind-space to actually DREAM a new dream that she wants. When you no longer do work to please others, you’ll free up space to do work for you.

But how? How to identify what you’re called to speak about? How to feel that surge of excitement and conviction to share your message? and… what message do I even share?

The thing is, you already have issues you’re convicted in, you’ve got to just observe and be aware. Here’s EP05 of the podcast: Finding your Purpose? How the Heck do you Even Do It?

You can also watch it on youtube here.

3. Doing what we can, even if we know little

I want to leave you with one last truth, if this is everything you take away: You have a unique and irreplaceable function in this world. Your voice is unique because it is created by your one-of-a-kind upbringing, race, culture, environment, challenges, wins, and more. Even if you know little, you have unique perspective you can use to respond to information you consume.

Acknowledge the power of your voice. And then study, read, expose yourself to ideas and insights, but don’t forget to verbalise your own insights. Journal, write, speak. When you grow your voice and deepen your conviction, you’ll serve the world without even thinking about it.

Listen to EP01 of the podcast: The Power of Your Voice you May Not Realise.

You can also watch it on youtube here.

[WEEKLY WRAP-UP: Global insights, personal lessons, and resources on how to #OwnYourVoice.]

I’ll love to hear from you!

If this post resonated with you, share this on social media and mention me, I’ll love to hear your insights. And share in the comments what your favourite resources around connection are!

Work with Me!

I work with individuals and organisations through speaking, coaching, and conducting workshops around the topics of Speaking, Communication, and Networking. To find out more, check out my website here: raefung.com

Global News and Worthy Reads

Love, Relationships, and Connection

It’s about Communication and Working things out (especially when you’ve no choice)

When Matt and Khani match on Hinge, sparks fly. So much so that they spontaneously fly to Costa Rica for their third date — and get stuck as the world shuts down in March 2020. An extended stay in paradise becomes the ultimate test of compatibility.

People who trigger you have their trauma too

I watched all of BEEF on Netflix over the past week and I have to say, I’ve never recommended a show enough (of course, apart from Everything Everywhere All at Once). In this show, the lives of two people from completely different backgrounds and income statuses collide through an incident of road rage. As the series unfolds, we find out the underlying trauma and challenges each person is going through that bubbles beneath the surface. Such a brilliant series that helps you understand and empathise.

The Truth About Love: How to Find It, Keep It, and Let it Go with Jay Shetty

Motivation & Inspiration

Your Dreams are Not a Joke: It’s time to Dream Big Again & 3 Ways to Get Started

A powerful podcast episode for when you’re doubting your dreams, about to give up on your dreams, or if you claim you “don’t have dreams”.

Iconic ’90s/’00s Popstars – What Happens When Fame Fades | I Used To Be Famous

Climate & Environment

Yes, the Climate Crisis May Wipe out Six Billion People [Link Here]

How Flip-Flop Art Helps Clean Kenya’s Beaches | World Wide Waste | Business Insider

I’ll love to hear from you!

If this post resonated with you, share this on social media and mention me, I’ll love to hear your insights. And share in the comments what your favourite resources around connection are!

Work with Me!

I work with individuals and organisations through speaking, coaching, and conducting workshops around the topics of Speaking, Communication, and Networking. To find out more, check out my website here: raefung.com

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Featured image by The Guardian

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